To our knowledge, there are no centralised contact points in Slovenia.
However, there are a number of institutions that can offer help and assistance to those with a sexual interest in children. These are: University psychiatric hospital Ljubljana, Psychiatric hospital Vojnik, Psychiatric hospital Idrija, Psychiatric hospital Ormož, Psychiatric hospital Begunje, The association of centres for social work and Institute Logout - Centre for help in case of excessive use of internet
Po naših informacijah v Sloveniji ni centraliziranih kontaktnih točk.
Vendar pa obstajajo številne ustanove, ki lahko ponudijo pomoč in pomoč tistim, ki jih spolno zanimajo otroci. To so: Univerzitetna psihiatrična bolnišnica Ljubljana, Psychiatric hospital Vojnik, Psihiatrična bolnišnica Idrija, Psihiatrična bolnišnica Ormož, Psihiatrična bolnišnica Begunje, Združenje centrov za socialno delo in Institute Logout - Center za pomoč v primeru prekomerne uporabe interneta